At the heart of precision medicine
The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI), applied to the field of health has seen medicine develop towards 4P medicine: Preventive, Predictive, Participatory and Personalised
This new approach emerged as the result of a simple observation: the same drug, at the same dosage, does not suit everyone.
Taking into account individual genetic variability, the environment and the lifestyle of each individual, personalised medicine offers tremendous prospects for improving the therapeutic journey of a patient.
The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the field of health now provides values capable of giving information on the efficacy of a treatment, depending of the individual and their biological characteristics.

This revolution has been made possible thanks to:
- the development of algorithms capable of processing, sorting, assembling and analysing large volumes of data
- powerful computers cable of carrying out massive calculations
- biological and multi-genomic knowledge
- the high technicity of drugs
By combining the technologies of information, knowledge, transcriptomics and the high-level biotherapies, mYXpression provides each patient, treated or about to be treated with a biotherapy, with a test to come up with a biotherapy that is suited to that person’s biology.
Thanks to a more precisely targeted treatment, the medical care and the quality of life of a patient are significantly improved, and hospitalisation costs and biomedical expenditure can be considerably reduced.
Methodology of the technology
The mYXpression rheumatoid test is based on three major areas of expertise:
- Mastery of the latest RNA transcriptome sequencing technologies (individual multi-genome signature).
- Massive use of new information technologies and of Big Data bringing together international clinical studies (digital database).
- The development of massive calculations and automatic learning algorithms (machine learning) to generate powerful and robust tools to make a customised decision to help the patient throughout their therapeutic journey.
Thanks to Big Data technologies, mYXpression rheumatoid has collected a large amount of genomic data. All this data comes from international clinical studies made public by prestigious universities such as Berkeley, Cambridge and highly specialised sites.
From this unique savoir-faire was born a unique information database
After identifying the most relevant studies on rheumatoid arthritis, the raw data contained was extracted and then stored to be turned into high added-value information using artificial intelligence developed by mYXpression.
This unique know-how gave rise to a unique database, comprising elements on immune deregulation specific to rheumatoid arthritis, to which is added information specific to each of the existing biotherapies.
Via the RITI® RA test, the personal transcriptome signature is compared with all this information, then analysed, calculated in our data centre, to produce a personal efficacy score for various biotherapies.